Meet our dedicated team of staff & volunteers

Jinsiangu’s uniqueness and strength is encapsulated in the fact that majority of its staff and volunteers are also members of the organisation. Making our team of professionals fully invested in the success of the organisation.


Office Bearers

Our office bearers are responsible for the day to day running of the resource center and implementation of our Programme activities

Toni King'ori —
Executive Director

–Toni is the current head of Jinsiangu.

She oversees the day to day running of the organization and is directly involved in overseeing the implementation of the organization’s strategy, resource mobilization as well as coordinating and supervising the various departments.

Previous to joining Jinsiangu she worked at Transgender Education and Advocacy (T.E.A.), an organization which she Co-Founded, the premier organization in Kenya to address the plight, needs and rights of intersex and transgender persons in Kenya.

Prior to joining T.E.A. she had worked and volunteered at ISHTAR of which she was a Founding Member.

Toni has been instrumental in bringing the plight of the I.T.GNC community to the fore over the years to both State and Non-State Actors and has helped create a safe and welcoming space - that is the Jinsiangu Resource Centre. She has been and continues to be a mentor to many ITGNC persons, especially the youth, as she endeavours to guide them into becoming productive members of society who have agency and a responsibility over their own lives.

Toni is a board member in several organizations and is the current CO-Chair of the National Transgender Advocacy Network of Kenya (N.T.A.N)

She has been in the social justice movement for about 15years and is dedicated towards clamoring for rights of gender minorities.



Kwamboka Kibagendi —
Intersex Programmes Manager

Kwamboka is a passionate intersex activist who has crossed the width and breadth of Kenya to raise awareness on intersex persons and issues.

As a community head, he was instrumental as a focal person to the Intersex Task Force in their data collection process on intersex persons in Kenya in 2018.



Sidney Etemesi —
Intersex Programmes Coordinator



Calvin Iisiye

Transport Manager

Calvin is responsible for coordinating organizational transportation logistics

Alesandra Ogeta —
Deputy Executive Director

Alesandra Ogeta is currently the Deputy Director with Jinsiangu Kenya and a seasoned human resource management practitioner. Her work spans a decade of experience in using media relations, community relations, government research, financial relations, public diplomacy, and strategic litigation to lobby for legal and gender recognition in Kenya.

Her firm grounding in advocating for policy change at the national, regional, and global levels have been instrumental in propelling the human rights agenda for Trans* people in Kenya. Her notable contributions include advancing access to funding with bilateral funding mechanisms (Global Fund and PEPFAR); developed a National Guidance for HIV/STI programming with Trans* people in Kenya; pioneered a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Transgender programming in Kenya; and her notable engagements with the African Commission of People and Human Rights (ACPHR) and the Human Rights Council (HRC) have been instrumental in shaping the human rights discourse in Kenya. Her significant contributions in action research has resulted to publication of authoritative literature nationally and globally. These include the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (2020), the Gender Analysis Study with Transgender Populations in Kenya in collaboration with Fhi 360, UNAIDS, PEPFAR and the government of Kenya, Cycles of Displacement in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and Data to Change Study a multi-disciplinary research partnership between a consortium of LGBT non-governmental organizations (NGOS) in: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe and COC-Netherlands. Alesandra has excellent communication skills, and is very personable and amiable with diverse audiences. Her particular strengths lie in mobilizing of people and sparking an interest and desire to pursue a certain cause of action amongst her peers and others. She is indefatigable in her pursuit to seek justice and equality for all especially her trans community and her work ethic cannot be faulted.

Contact: .


Ava Heather Mrima —

I.T & Communications Programme Lead

Responsible for managing the organization’s communication and information technology related projects and activities.



Kai Audi —

Gender Non-Conforming Programmes Lead



Gigi Louisa —
Programmes officer

Gigi has worked in various capacities in organizations such as UHAI-EASHRI and GALCK.

She has participated in high level meetings in such forums as the ILGA Conference, ACPHR, and has been instrumental in forging women’s movement across Africa such as the Minority Women in Action (MWA).



Mercyline Nyabuti —

Finance Lead

Mercyline has worked in various institutions within Finance, Tax and Audit.

She has a degree in business from Kenyatta University as well as years of experience working in audit across various sectors such as manufacturing, retail, hospitality, & financial services. She possesses working knowledge of IAS, IFRS and GAAP as well as in the preparation of financial statements and evaluation of internal controls.



Tanaka Muren —

Mental Health Coordinator and Transgender focal person

Tanaka Muren is a gender-diverse rights activist whose advocacy revolves around the inclusion and integration of gender-diverse persons; intersex transgender and gender-nonconforming communities (ITGNC). His advocacy also includes raising awareness of mental health and the need for access to mental health services for gender minorities. Tanaka has also been instrumental in stakeholder sensitization, he also serves as the trans-focal person, and the mental health program coordinator at Jinsiangu. In these capacities, his roles include providing the first point of contact between Jinsiangu, and its members; facilitating psychiatric and psychological assistance to the members and beneficiaries, respectively.



Sharon Ngeru

Administration & Procurement


The Steering Committee serves in an Advisory role and is made up of three non-members who meet twice a year. The Committee provides strategic guidance and counsel and may be called upon to assist with fundraising and conflict-resolution. 



Jinsiangu relies on volunteer members who act as liaisons between membership and staff; orientate and mentor new members; and assist office bearers with projects and activities.