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The National Transgender Advocacy Network

The Key Population (KP) Consortium held a series of conversations with transgender leaders and activists prior to a convening of trans* organizations and activists, to learn more about critical issues facing transgender communities as well as successful and potential strategies to address those issues; and unite to form a national Network.

During these conversations, creating a common language and standards around Trans*leadership and community representation was a consistent theme, with the understanding that: - lack of a robust shared definition of Trans*leadership; zero participation in decision making cycles about finances and contents related to Trans*people, especially grant funding; weak mechanisms to ensure and measure Trans*community representation and equity, not just in leadership roles; investing in Trans*communities to sustain the movement; and attending to the intersectionality of sexism and transphobia; disempowering situations when Trans* work is taking place in another organization – was a symptom of a larger social problem of how Trans*organizations struggle with issues of leadership autonomy, stigmatization, and discrimination.

Many leaders noted the value of having a space to discuss these issues and strategies in greater detail. Therefore, the National Transgender Advocacy Network in collaboration with the Key Population (KP) Consortium proposed to organize a National Transgender Advocacy Convening to identify specific opportunities to increase support and advocacy for transgender and gender nonconforming communities, and to explore ways to draw public attention to Trans*public health and other issues facing transgender people.

This therefore bore the National Transgender Advocacy Network that has been key in lobbying for transgender issues at a national and international level.

Marking 3 years since inception