Crisis management & response at community level | I.T.GNC

Mid 2020 saw a robust community engagement programme that sought to address key areas of capacity. This included a series of trainings with different partners such as NASCOP Kenya, Amka Africa, FHI360 and Protection International among others. They touched on various structural and behavioral aspects of the Intersex, Transgender & Gender Non Conforming community.

Among the various trainings, the paralegal and advocacy trainings were key in capacitating the next level of paralegals ‘ a first for the transgender & gender-non-conforming community in Kenya ‘ that contributed to the currently ongoing process as of first quarter of 2021, in developing a crisis response mechanism for the I.T.GNC community.

The trainings encompassed legal education , advocacy capacity building as well as legal aid clinics.

These were further complimented by trainings that involved the county departments of Nairobi as well as law enforcement country-wide which sought to enhance co-operation and understanding in addressing issues faced by Intersex, Transgender & Gender Non Conforming individuals.


Int'l Day Against Homophobia Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 2021


16Days of Activism 2020